Three Studies as an Interactive Online Adventure

For the TA-SWISS ‘Culture and Digitalisation’ project, we were able to prepare our own study and two studies by the HSLU and the Music Council in an immersive form. The studies can be explored and discovered in three rooms with an avatar. The most important findings are presented in a playful and multimedia way in the pixel world.

Three Studies on Digital Culture

Digitalisation is changing and shaping the way in which art is made, brought to people and perceived by them today. Digital tools, AI applications, online platforms or the Metaverse, which can be accessed as a virtual space, open up new opportunities for artists to express their creativity, collaborate with others beyond the boundaries of physical space and make their works accessible to a global audience. The conditions under which they create art and earn a living are also affected. The digital metamorphoses in the art and culture sector bring opportunities, but also major challenges.

Three project teams were commissioned by TA-SWISS to investigate the impact of digitalisation on culture. The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts investigated how artists are using digitalisation in music, theatre and visual design. The Swiss Music Council conducted a nationwide survey on the impact of digitalisation on music creation in Switzerland. And the Dezentrum analysed the discourse on the NFT landscape.

The three studies are not only available in classic report form: The content and results can also be discovered and experienced on a virtual platform, where an interactive space is dedicated to each of the studies. The impetus, conception and implementation came from the Dezentrum.

Playful Shape for greater Accessibility

Mit der interaktiven Form können Besucher:innen die Studien unkonventionell und explorativ entdecken. Die Aufbereitung der Inhalte in kurzen Kapitel, ergänzt mit Bildern und Videos, ist niederschwellig und soll Spass machen.

Nachdem man als Besucher:in einen Avatar gestaltet hat, kann man in die Pixelwelt eintauchen und die Inhalte entdecken, indem man sich mit Pfeiltasten durch die Räume bewegt. Aufgebaut sind sie auf WorkAdventure, einer Plattform, die mit der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung der EU (​​GDPR) konform ist.

Die Gamification der Inhalte ist aus einer Vermittlungsperspektive spannend. Als Rezipient:innen gewöhnen wir uns immer mehr daran, Inhalte interaktiv zu konsumieren. Der Ansatz, eine gesamte Studie in dieser Form statt als Fliesstext darzustellen, ist eine experimentelle Form der Wissenschaftskommunikation und der Versuch, andere Zielgruppen zu erreichen.

To the interactive Publication
