About us

What motivates us

New digital technologies are already influencing much of the reality of our lives. This profound structural change is perceived by many as a change that rushes ahead of society. We want to paint a different picture, one which puts society at the centre.

For us, digitalisation opens up opportunities to rethink the future. We see technological progress as an opportunity to respond to societal needs. Thus, digitalisation can support society where innovations seem to make sense.

Since this change affects society at large, we want as many people as possible to participate in shaping it. For example, through open vessels such as our association, in which people network, exchange and develop ideas together.

In that sense, we are not only a think tank, but also a do tank which actively acts and sets impulses. Thereby, future is not only imaginable, but also shapeable.

Our Team Our Topics

What we do

We develop positive future scenarios

Instead of just wondering what kind of future we will face, we actively imagine how this world could and should look like. With the valuable insights of experts and society we develop future scenarios that are not only possible but also desirable. Among others, these scenarios include topics such as future of democracy, future of a digital society or future of work.

More about Scenario planning

We actively shape the future

We cannot predict the future so we decided to test it instead. Ting, for example, explores what people's lives would look like if they invested in their own future as well as the future of others. Satelleth and our house no1s1 on the other hand, are exploring what happens when technology belongs to itself. These future experiments are aimed at building prototypes. The prototypes help us grasp the future while testing what value they could bring to the table.

More about Future Experiments

We make our findings available

What social and technological developments will have a particularly strong impact on us in the future? To understand this, we are working on trend and technology assessments. For these, we not only collaborate closely with civic organisations, but also partners from the scientific community. We always try to make our results available to a broader audience by publishing our findings in form of podcasts or blog entries.

Blog Podcast

We bring people together

What challenges and potentials come with digital change? Together we have a better chance answering such questions than by solely working on our own. That is why we organise numerous events and workshops to discuss our topics as well as any other digitalisation-related topics with as many diverse actors as possible. The objective is to come up with robust answers that are oriented towards the common good.

Events Association membership

Alliances & collaborations