Guest Article: Beyond Efficiency - New Work thought differently
In her article for the Denknetz yearbook, Dezentrum partner Jeannie Schneider sheds light on the extent to which the digital revolution is changing the promise of increased efficiency with the use of ChatGPT and other large language models. As part of this development, she sheds light on the New Work approach: a buzzword that promises transformation through new technological possibilities and is intended to adapt working models to changing values.

Imagination and New Work
What would a new form of labour look like that is not aimed at producing more products and making even more profit? Jeannie argues that imagination can help us find answers to the challenges of our time. At first glance, imagination and knowledge don't seem to have much in common. However, different types of imagination enable us to really think "outside of the box". We need to cultivate this ability again in order to respond as a society to the challenges we face. "Because we would need a lot of real change," says Jeannie.