
With our projects, we impart digital skills, test futures and forge alliances. They contribute to a digital transformation with society at its center.

Gaming against Extremism

Gaming against Extremism

Using Digital Skills to Combat Radicalisation

Together with the Risk Dialogue Foundation, 5am Games and other project partners, we developed an online game that strengthens young people's digital skills. The aim is to sensitise young people to online and offline radicalisation mechanisms.

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Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

Core Competencies for Digital-Opinion Forming

How we form our opinions today is subject to the influence of analogue, but also digital sources. While we usually master the use of the former due to our education and intuition, the necessary skills in dealing with digital information are often insufficiently developed. The Digital Literacy Project teaches skills in a playful and immersive way for a safer opinion making in the digital space.

Case Study
Futuress, Dreaming Beyond AI, Materia Oscura

Futuress, Dreaming Beyond AI, Materia Oscura

Fellowship Unwired Currents – Imagining Technologies Otherwise

An online fellowship and public events programme that expands the concept of technology beyond colonial, modernist and solutionist notions.

TA-SWISS, HSLU, Musikrat

TA-SWISS, HSLU, Musikrat

Three Studies as an Interactive Online Adventure

For the TA-SWISS ‘Culture and Digitalisation’ project, we were able to prepare our own study and two studies by the HSLU and the Music Council in an immersive form. The studies can be explored and discovered in three rooms with an avatar. The most important findings are presented in a playful and multimedia way in the pixel world.

Case Study
Shaping Futures worth Living

Shaping Futures worth Living

Experiments with Reduced Working Hours

In the midst of climate and health crises, a shortage of skilled workers and fears of globalisation and digitalisation, Switzerland is facing major challenges. Could fewer working hours be the answer?

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Audiowalk - Christoph Merian Stiftung

Audiowalk - Christoph Merian Stiftung

Bytes & Bridges: How is Digitalisation Changing a City?

Digital technologies have long been integrated into our everyday lives, promising efficiency and seamless processes. We often notice them only when disruptions occur, yet they continuously influence how we live together and shape our political system. The audio walk through Basel, developed and produced by Dezentrum, explores this impact across seven stations, making the pervasive presence of digitalisation in daily life visible.

Case Study


A new solidarity system for the 21st century

Digitization and the resulting automation are leading to major upheavals in our work environment. Ting meets this change with a community that allows its members time for further development. Through a joint account, members share more than a quarter of a million Swiss francs every year in order to secure themselves financially during personal advancement.

Case Study
Smart City Lab Zürich / Digi+

Smart City Lab Zürich / Digi+

Digitisation in administrations: From problem to prototype in 12 weeks

The Zurich City Council has set itself the goal of raising the level of digitalisation in the administration with the Digi+ programme from OIZ and Smart City. Together with the team of the city of Zurich, we have carried out a pilot project in the work integration organisation Nähwerk, which uses digital possibilities to support the employees in their daily routine.

Case Study
AI Workshop Dubendorf

AI Workshop Dubendorf

Participatory design of an AI workshop for educational institutions

Together for a successful learning experience. With the workshop "AI in education - an interactive, critical discussion", developed together with the Dübendorf primary school, educational institutions are enabled to actively participate in the discourse around generative artificial intelligence, to recognise challenges and to develop strategies for dealing with these tools in the context of education.

Case Study


A shared vision of digital Switzerland 2030

Digitalization has been here for a long time. You can neither vote it out nor ignore it. But what does a digitalization that puts society at the centre look like? With the DigitalLabor, we travelled across Switzerland with the question: (How) do you want to digitize Switzerland?

Case Study
Edgelands Institute

Edgelands Institute

Audio Walk through Geneva

Are you afraid of the internet? An audio guide leads you through a walk in Geneva. Five stops highlight how fundamentally digital technologies are changing our lives. The impact no longer ends when we close the laptop.

Case Study
OK Klima

OK Klima

Local climate data for more participation

With the OK Klima, we are building a Switzerland-wide, regional climate rating and a platform that enables climate-conscious individuals and NGOs to take effective and direct action in their communities and cantons. A joint project with the Climate Alliance and Alliance Digitale.

Case Study
Innovation Booster Future Urban Society

Innovation Booster Future Urban Society

The good life within planetary limits

On the way to a climate-friendly Switzerland, the Future Urban Society (FUS) Innovation Booster helps urban, eco-social innovations out of their niche. The program promotes radical ideas in the areas of housing, mobility and nutrition. As a member of the Meso Innovation Alliance, Dezentrum coordinates the project team and project communication.

Expedition Zukunft

Expedition Zukunft

Postcards from the climate-neutral future

Mobility in Switzerland is to be climate-neutral by 2050. But what exactly will that look like? Together with Expedition Zukunft, we have created five possible future scenarios in the form of postcards. This enabled parliamentarians to immerse themselves in possible futures during a policy sprint.

Case Study


Conference contributions - Music & Digitalisation

Since 2021, we have been working for the m4music Conference at the intersection of music and digitalisation. We advise, suggest conference topics, develop formats, find speakers and give talks.

Case Study
Parliamentary Services Canton of Zurich

Parliamentary Services Canton of Zurich

Collaborative future scenarios for the parliamentary services

What will our work look like in the future? The Parliamentary Services team developed various scenarios to answer this question. Some cautious, some radical. They familiarised themselves with various methods from futures thinking and explored their own assumptions about the future. The all-day scenario technology workshop led to a wealth of insights - which are now being used to develop a new mission statement.

Case Study


An innovative food brand with maximum transparency

We bring consumers, producers and distributors together directly in a digital participation process. Consumers determine which production criteria should apply to the individual food products and can thus assume their responsibility for sustainable food.

Case Study


An autonomous satellite on world tour

Satelleth is a blockchain-based autonomous entity that owns, manages, and independently interacts with its environment. Its goal is to travel around the world. For this journey, Satelleth collects money and pays people for their transportation.

Case Study
Forum For Inclusion

Forum For Inclusion

A platform for people without voting rights

Dezentrum developed Forum For Inclusion for the Prototype Fund. It is a web application where people without voting rights can share their opinion on national votes. Anonymously and via voice message. The project wants to question who is allowed to participate in the democratic discourse and at the same time experiment with the digital public. Once a year,'s Prototypefund supports projects that aim to strengthen digital participation.

Case Study
Nature Park Beverin

Nature Park Beverin

Digital transformation and social innovation in Beverin Nature Park

How can the opportunities of digitalization be used in rural areas? To find that out, we have been supporting the Naturpark Beverin in building competencies and projects for social innovation and sustainable digitalization since 2021.

Case Study


Digital Transformation of Unemployment Insurance

SECO’s unemployment insurance compensation office is working on major projects to modernise the IT infrastructure of the unemployment insurance as well as public employment service. The efforts represent the beginning of a comprehensive digital transformation. To get it rolling, digitalisation related to the unemployment insurance compensation fund have been discussed. There was broad agreement on the need for cultural change. It shall be clarified though, to what extent the federal enforcement autonomy can be reconciled with the process harmonisation at national level.

Forum Alpbach

Forum Alpbach

How can Digital Technologies strengthen our Democracies?

Our democracies are under pressure. How should we respond? This question was part of a workshop series during the European Forum Alpbach 2020, organised by Dezentrum and foraus in collaboration with the Open Think Tank Network and Mercator Foundation Switzerland. The aim of the workshops in Zurich, London, Vienna and Berlin was to work on Europe-wide future scenarios.

SwissCovid App Facts

SwissCovid App Facts

SwissCovid App Facts

For the official SwissCovid Tracing App we have provided an information website which answers the most important questions about privacy, security and technology. Questions such as "Does the app bring me into the sights of the tech companies?" or "Will hackers get into my mobile phone? The campaign was realized together with an alliance of civil society organizations.



Evaluation of the Greater Zurich Area's Development Potential

How will the Greater Zurich Area develop as a location and economically? This question was explored in a workshop using the scenario technique. In the end, various future scenarios for the growth of the GZA were developed.

Speculative Reportages

Speculative Reportages

Speculative Reportages

Speculative Reportages, part of Kultur Labor Zürich's Arts for Future project, are fact-based fictions that look at climate policy from the perspective of the year 2050, beyond combustion engine bans and vegan menus. They aim to propose new possibilities for action in the present through future perspectives and to remain capable of acting in the face of the climate crisis.

Case Study


Digital transformation of a dance festival

Since 2021, we have been accompanying and advising the dance festival ZÜRICH TANZT on the topic of digitality. Digital and hybrid measures are intended to make the festival more accessible and dance and dance makers more visible.

Case Study


A digital conference on co-creation in the theatre

For the Festspiele Zurich, we conceived and realised a digital conference on the idea and applicability of co-creation to the classical theatre business together with STRIDE and Benedikt Wyss. Co-creation was not only the theme, but also the programme: versatile formats experimented with forms of digital co-creation and participatory documentation.

Social Muscle Club online

Social Muscle Club online

Making culture, exchange and togetherness digitally tangible

The Social Mucle Club revolves around two questions: What do you want to give? What do you wish for? After international excursions, the club has landed in virtual reality - to build a new stage for the arts, to enable a lived solidarity digitally.



Scenario workshop: Who owns the digital space?

On behalf of CooperativeSuisse, we conducted a workshop on the question of "Who owns digital space?" as part of the "Property of the Future" series of events. The participants developed desirable future scenarios of what public space and public infrastructure might look like in 2030.

Lecture Series

Lecture Series

Joint Academic Lecture Series UZH & Trust Square

Every month, Dezentrum organizes academic lectures in the field of Blockchain, Internet of Things and Distributed Ledger Technology together with the UZH Blockchain Center and Trust Square. The lectures are currently held in the online format. The aim is to promote scientific exchange between universities, start-ups and investors.

Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

Fernfachhochschule Schweiz

CAS Blockchain

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies are developing at a rapid pace. The next evolutionary step for the internet - the internet of values - represents significant potential with implications for technology and society. With the students of the CAS Blockchain at the FFHS, we take an in-depth look at the basics of these technologies, programme a smart contract and develop a use case over the course of the semester. At the FHGR, we dive into the fascinating world of blockchain technology with the participants of the Executive MBA.The application development is part of the mandate from the CAS Blockchain at ZHAW.

More about the CAS
Trust Square

Trust Square

Foundation of the First Swiss Blockchain Hub

In 2018, Dezentrum co-founded the Trust Square on Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich. The hub connects companies, start-ups, investors and academics who are specialized in blockchain. The Dezentrum actively helped to shape the Trust Square, for example by organizing lecture series or events on Digital Day.

Zur Website
Digitalsalat Podcast

Digitalsalat Podcast

Digitalsalat Podcast

Digitalization can and will change all of our lives profoundly. The only question that remains is how. In our podcast "Digitalsalat" we try to answer this question and come up with not only probable but also desirable answers. On an ongoing basis, we get exciting guests in front of the microphone and dive with them into a wide variety of topics at the intersection of technology and society. The podcast is a collaboration between Dezentrum and Mercator Foundation Switzerland.

Listen to Digitalsalat Podcast
Together Now

Together Now

Bridging Income for Self-employed

Together with wemakeit and the association Dein Grundeinkommen (your basic income), the Dezentrum has launched the project Together Now. This initiative started only days after it became clear that the measures to contain the Covid-19 virus would have serious financial consequences for countless people. Together Now is raising money to help these people by providing them with a bridging income.

Wemakeit Campaign


Transparency in the Dairy Industry through Blockchain

Foodchain is a research project of the University of Zurich, Foodways and Dezentrum. The aim is to improve the traceability and transparency of products in the dairy industry. A solution was developed to link the information of the various stakeholders from agriculture, dairy companies, logistics and intermediate trade and to make it available to all participants in the value chain.

Hybrid Teaching at ETH

Hybrid Teaching at ETH

Digital Tools for Collaborative Creation

For the ETH Chair of Architecture & Urban Transformation, together with Prof. Freek Persyn and his team, Dezentrum has tested hybrid teaching methods. With the help of Miro-Boards, presence robots and remote interviews, the digital space was expanded: What happens if we explore a room through cameras only? What is the significance of reality in an entirely digital world? Collaboration tools were not only tested but also questioned.

Labyrinth 2020

Labyrinth 2020

Dancing in Quarantine!

In cooperation with the association Kunst und & Tanz Königsfelden we developed the platform «Labyrinth 2020». The platform let up to 150 teenagers engage with each other sharing their thoughts and notes on the dance and art project.

Visit Website


Strategies against digital surveillance

The increasing surveillance of digital communication poses a massive challenge for politically active people and groups. The Center develops advisory services and workshop formats on the topic of “digital surveillance”.

Case Study

Working with us

Dezentrum conducts future experiments, creates discussion platforms and offers consultation on any digital transformation related topics.