Our previous newsletters:
- #61 Is it time to abolish digitalization? (February 2025)
- Malik's Winter Speech (January 2025)
- Tauche ein ins Deziversum (Jahresrückblick 2025, in German)
- Breaking News: Radical Choices & Züri Award (December 2024)
- #59 Imagining Technologies Otherwise (November 2024)
- #58 Goodbye Gesa (October 2024)
- #57 Digital Surveillance (September 2024)
- #56 Gaming for good (August 2024)
- #55 Experiencing Digitalization (July 2024)
- #54 Creating realities with imagination (June 2024)
- #53 Let's Care Together (May 2024)
- #50 Everything comes to an end… (February 2024)
- #49 What's next? (January 2024)
- #48 Thinking about Money in Solidarity (December 2023)
- #47 Close X — Enough with Twitter (November 2023)
- #46 KI macht Schule (October 2023)
- #45 Über Ideenmanufaktur und Input-Inspiration (September 2023)
- #44 New Pay, New Look, New Walk, New Talk (August 2023)
- Einladung: Dezentrum feiert 5-jähriges (August 2023)
- Special: Werde Mitinhaber:in der Agree AG (Juli 2023)
- #43 Algo-rithmus: im Einklang mit KI und Prototypen (June 2023)
- #42 Connect, Communicate, Collaborate (May 2023)
- #41 Clicks for Nothing, money for free (March 2023)
- #40 New Year, Same Us (February 2023)
- Special: Do not feed the Google (January 2023)
- #39 December Newsletter (December 2023)
- #38 A fair wage for a fair future (November 2022)
- #37 Climate Action Now (October 2022)
- #36 Summer (Break) is over (September 2022)
- #35 A new Star(t) on the Horizon (August 2022)
- #34 Walk that Walk Talk that Talk (July 2022)
- #33 A New Currency for Zurich (June 2022)
- #32 Mayhem (May 2022)
- #31 Do you Agree? (Apr 2022)
- #30 Greetings from Future Ascona (Mar 2022)
- #29 Everything is new (Jan 2022)
- #28 Christmas Newsletter (Dez 2021)
- #27 The House that Owns Itself (Nov 2021)
- #26 Giving the Unrepresented a Voice (Oct 2021)
- #25 Journey into the Political Future (Sep 2021)
- #24 Self-Managing Houses (Aug 2021)
- #23 Organising a decentralised Team (Jun 2021)
- #22 Dynamic Doers (Mai 2021)
- #21 Time Travel (Apr 2021)
- #20 The Future of Work (Mar 2021)
- #19 Better Together (Feb 2021)
- #18.2 New Year New Newsletter (Jan 2021)
- #18 E-Lunches and Algorithms (Dec 2020)
- #17 Digital Age (Nov 2020)
- #16 It's time for a newsletter (Oct 2020)
- #15 Ready for Takeoff (Aug 2020)
- #13 Thoughts and Consequences (May 2020)
- #12.2 Reacting Today creates Tomorrow (March 2020)
- #12 Thinking New Solutions (Mar 2020)
- #11 Newsletters are so 2019 (Dec 2019)
- #10 Ready to create futures with us? (Oct 2019)
- #09 Who can tell which grain will grow? (Jul 2019)
- #08 Are we too radical? (May 2019)
- #07 Free lunch for all? (Mar 2019)
- #06 What does technology reveal to us? (Feb 2019)
- #05 Will we still have (to) work in the future? (Jan 2019)
- #04 See you next year! (Nov 2019)
- #03 Who Are We Onlife? (Oct 2019)
- #02 The Great Escape? (Sep 2019)
- #0 Hello World! (Jul 2018)