An innovative food brand with maximum transparency

We bring consumers, producers and distributors together directly in a digital participation process. Consumers determine which production criteria should apply to the individual food products and can thus assume their responsibility for sustainable food.

Connect consumers and producers directly with each other

Goal #1

Creating maximum transparency

Goal #2

Reduction of the discrepancy between consumers' wishes and purchase intentions

Goal #3

Information gap between consumers, producers and distributors.

Too often we stand in front of a shelf in a retail store, hold a product in our hands and ask ourselves: what are the actual ingredients, where do the individual ingredients come from and how ethical is the entire supply chain in the end? A lack of transparency and traceability not only makes it difficult to choose goods, but also to enjoy them after purchase.

It must be taken into account that consumers, producers and distributors often have different demands on a product. For one party it should be as cheap, natural and sustainable as possible, for another economical and practical in production. However, models already exist that aim to reduce precisely this discrepancy. For example, «C'est qui le patron?!» is successfully in France and other European countries and will now also be adopted in Switzerland.

A brand created through co-creation that benefits everyone.

Co-creation is not only a successful form of collaboration, but also the heart of the consumer brand. We bring consumers, producers and distributors together using a digital participation process. Consumers determine which production criteria should apply to the individual food products and can thus exercise their responsibility for sustainable food. This approach also benefits producers, who can achieve fair prices through maximum transparency. The needs of all stakeholders are thus taken into account.

With the consumer brand, you no longer have to be concerned about the composition or origin of the ingredients. You can contribute to it yourself.

Our partners for this project:

Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft

Stiftung Mercator Schweiz

